COLOR: Part 2

Color is so beautiful and carries the respect of making everything in life that we see more delectable. Color can instigate a thought or feeling, cause a reaction, or give an ordinary thing symbolism. Color induces life where it was lacking. Color can also produce fear. This one privilege that we have in every little or big thing, has so much power. This is my color project. 

Part 2: YELLOW

This shoot is called “Sun Yellow” as it was taken with sunflowers and yellow blends. The makeup is from MAC products in eye shadows, lip glosses and glitter/dust. I also used some acrylics to base for the makeup since we needed a lighter tone.

Yellow is sunshine! It has conflicting symbolism, as it is a warm and joy filled color, but also stands for cowardice and deceit. Yellow has always had a powerful place in our world as it is used as hazard, warning, or emergency sign colors. Another fun fact about yellow’s strength, is how it has been used through the generations as a sign of hope to welcome home our loved war heroes. Even though yellow has association with danger, the warmth of the color has always been more dominant.

This is Part 2 of my color project. More to come! If you have any photo shoot ideas for yourself that may require makeup work or paint, I can make that happen! Just contact me with as much details as possible with your request and any questions you may have.

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